Wednesday, 20 December 2017

The Mother-load

Have you ever walked away from a film, having experienced all it has to offer, and walk away thinking, “I enjoyed that, but I don’t know why?” I know I have.

Mother! by Darren Aronofsky was showing at the theatre on campus so I’d thought I go and see it, after missing it at cinemas when it was released. I had heard from both critics and audiences that it was an odd one to say the least. With Aronofsky’s previous projects consisting of Black Swan and Requiem for a Dream, he is notorious for making dark and testing films. Mother! Is no exception. With Jennifer Lawrence playing the character of Mother and Javier Bardem, who is only ever referred to as Him or The Poet, the film takes place in a house that seems to be in the middle of nowhere with both our leads working to create the perfect house for Mother and The Poet to live in for the rest of their days. Everything is sunshine and roses until Ed Harris’ character of Man stumbles upon the house and disrupts the tranquil being of the house with his smoking and drinking. Before you know it, his wife, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, arrives at the house leading to what seems to be a never-ending string of events that begin to not only damage the paradise created by Mother, but her physical and mental wellbeing is also being damaged in the process. After the Man and Woman’s time in the house, there is a sudden influx of people who begin to swarm to thee house resulting in one of the most chaotic final acts to any film I’ve ever seen.

If I were reviewing this film I would give it a strong 8.5/10. Its excellent performances from Lawrence and Bardem, powerful storytelling combined with the immersive filming and sound design make for a thrilling ride. Alas, this is not a review as I think it would be more productive to discuss something else entirely, and that would be the divide between critics and audiences. I bring this up because it is apparent that general audiences did not receive this film well. Making only $44.4 million at the box office and averaging a 68% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, this shows that not only were people not going to see this film, but critics were also divided in their reactions to Mother!. So, let’s break this down, why was this film received with such mixed reception? I think it’s a mixture of different factors: the way in which the film was marketed, what the film actually represents and the gender politics inside the films meaning.

In case you didn't know, they're married.
Let’s begin with the posters and trailers. I, like most, believed Mother! to be a horror film. The typical strangers show up at the door with chaos slowly but surely ensuing is a common trope of horror. However, don’t sit down thinking you’ll be jumping out of your seat because this ain’t that kind of horror movie. It builds tension to the point where you could breathe on said tension and it would snap so suddenly you realise you are transported out of this paradise-like house and into a nightmare of a world that depicts the transgressions of modern day society. Didn’t expect that when you watched the trailer did you? I know I certainly didn’t, which takes us back to the way this was marketed. Of course, you can’t show any of this in the trailer because that would give away the entire premise of the film, but if you look back at the posters, it says so much more than any teaser trailer. So, from the start point, people do not know what they are going to get with Aronofsky’s new project, and I believe that to be a good thing! Too many times I have watched the trailer for a film, bought my ticket at the cinema and said, “I know exactly how this is going to pan out”, leading to an underwhelming experience. You do not get this with Mother! as it’s very much its own brand of film. So please don’t be put off by the ambiguous trailers, embrace them!

She is LITERALLY falling apart.
Following this is the struggle with gender politics. People know Jennifer Lawrence, typically, for being an empowered female actor who has portrayed a variety of strong female characters, such as: Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games franchise, Mystique in the new X-Men prequel trilogy and (some might debate on this one but) Tiffany from Silver Linings Playbook. Her character in Mother!, named Mother coincidentally, is treated as if she were a piece of dirt at the bottom of your shoe. She is dismissed constantly, disrespected by all and abused both mentally and physically by those who claim to love and worship her. It is a difficulty watching this unfold, as I said in the beginning, due to the fact that watching her be beaten and battered isn’t entertaining. But why do I still like this film? The message behind it, that Patriarchal dominance, be it completely toxic and amoral, is still a part of our society and happens every day. If 2017 has taught us anything about sexual misconduct however, it’s that we are standing against it. Again, all you need do is to look at one particular poster depicting Mother’s face deteriorating. From this, Aronofsky is compiling all the torment Lawrence’s character experiences and displays it in one image. Mother! takes note of all things women endure in life and compacts it into a tightly constructed narrative that, and I say again because I cannot stress this enough, makes it such a hard watch. This is not a film which is retrogressive in gender politics, nor is it progressive: it is realistic of how the world is and how some individuals see it as such.

Finally, what is the meaning behind Mother!? Well it’s all rather simple really: Think biblical allegory/religious criticism/socio-political thriller. A lot to take in I know but trust me it all comes together seamlessly. We have our two main characters, Him and Mother, working on building their dream house into a paradise (those familiar with Milton’s Paradise Lost will already be drawing connections) in the middle of nowhere. Soon enough Man and Woman arrive, Adam and Eve, who begin to cause trouble in paradise. They are rude, disrespectful and soon overstep their mark by disregarding the orders of the Poet by intruding in his office, otherwise known as eating an apple from the Tree of Knowledge. If things couldn’t get more tense, their sons, Cain and Able, show up. Causing more and more disruptions to the lives and house of Mother! and Him, they are cast out. Not only this, but when embraced by more of his people/fans of his work, he soon begins to ignore Mother and her needs leading to the breaking down of the dream of their house and any idea that they can live together. If you haven’t put these pieces together to form the puzzle that is Mother!, I’ll tell you that Javier Bardem’s character is portrayed as God and Lawrence’s Mother is in fact Mother Earth. It outlines the toxicity between the philosophies of both Mother Earth and God. One seeks approval and love from those he created to stimulate his ego whilst the other loves all unconditionally as well as patient until she is hurt by those she occupies so much, she finds she has no more love to give to those who do not reciprocate her love. Not only is this being a criticism of the Christian deity being a selfish being rather than benevolent, but is also a comment on what we are doing to our planet. War, pollution and civil differences are killing this planet that not only houses us, but cares for us. How do we repay Mother Earth? We take her love and turn it into hate. These themes are so profound and deep that I, an English Literature student, embrace often in the texts I study and the essays I write. This is a film designed to be discussed but I think audiences who want their cinematic experiences to be simple will not find the concept of Mother! appealing at all.
If you don't make a face that look remotely like this
at the end, you haven't been paying attention.
To conclude, Mother! is a great film. It tells a compelling story, creates excellent characters and its ending wants the audience to go away and think about what they just witnessed. It is just a shame that many find this film to be very divisive rather than entertaining. Therefore, if you love a good debate or discussion about film and want to delve deeper into what you just experienced in the last few hours, Mother! is built just for that.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Review: Justice League, All sword and no scales

Let’s begin this review with a question: Why are the executives at Warner Bros so intent on forcing a team up movie such as Justice League without fully developing each member of the team with their own individual films? I’ll tell you why, it’s because they want to properly see themselves as Marvel’s rivals in the industry. There’s one problem with this, the way the DCEU is headed at the moment is not giving Marvel anything to worry about. Justice League is a messy, incoherent at times and full on bore-fest, plain and simple. It does not give ample time to our new heroes’ individual backgrounds, nor does the story generate any real threat in possibly the most vanilla villain ever. Before I get started on breaking this movie down, please know that I honestly believe that Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is better than Justice League. Do what you will with that information. Also, there will be comparisons to Marvel and their films and that’s not because I’m a fan-boy, it’s because cinematic universes about superheroes are going to get compared. It’s the way the world works: Birds fly, grass grows, the sun shines and the DCEU needs to sort itself out.

"Quick! Everyone look brooding for this group shot!"
Months after the death of Superman, the world is darker than ever. Queue the sudden appearance of Steppenwolf, a bad dude who wants to do bad stuff for the sake of these actions being bad. He wants to destroy Earth, as villains are one to do, so Batman and Wonder Woman must bring The Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman together so that they might stop Steppenwolf’s evil plan. That’s it, that’s the story. I wish I was kidding but this is the genuine plot of this film, without giving away spoilers of course.

This is where I struggle, because I find the only good things to say about this film come in the characters themselves and how the actors bring them across. Gal Gadot is the standout with her character bringing strength, compassion and leadership to the team whilst every other member either brings in an Ex Machina to the so-called plot or has the odd funny line. Spoilers, these aren’t always funny. So, putting Wonder Woman aside, who else did I like in Justice League? J.K Simmons was pretty cool I suppose. If only he were as ruthless as Fletcher from Whiplash, then we wouldn’t even need a Justice League, he’d just say “Not my tempo” to Steppenwolf and, out of fear of having a cymbal thrown at his head, would leave Earth to never again return. Back to a serious note, you can see how these heroes might make a good team. By having good chemistry on screen, there is potential for growth but let’s just all collectively remind Warner Bros to bring out movies for each individual hero before making another team up film.

"I'm serious guys, we really need to look menacing in
these group shots."
Following my last point about individual films, HOW ON EARTH ARE WE EXPECTED TO LIKE THE FLASH, CYBORG AND AQUAMAN IF WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM? We are told The Flash/Barry Allen has a Dad in prison for a crime he, possibly, did not commit. Cyborg/Victor Stone struggles with his new-found powers and rather than giving him a real origin story, which might have been a part of the film at one point if the trailers are anything to go by, it is glossed over how quickly he seems to pick up new abilities. Aquaman/Arthur Curry has supposedly never been to Atlantis and why is this not addressed is beyond me. The pattern you’re seeing here is by not having proper origin story films, we are left without the capacity to bond with these characters, be it with their motivations or emotions. Furthermore, do these characters have any weaknesses? Cyborg is a walking Swiss Army Knife as he solves any problem the plot requires, as noted above, and by even taking a hit from Steppenwolf’s axe, he can just immediately repair himself. Flash Aquaman also take multiple hits without picking up a scratch! If there are no weaknesses to exploit, then that takes any form danger and tosses it out the window, leaving the audience certain the heroes will succeed.  The only character I felt things for was Wonder Woman as we’ve had her standalone film! Justice League loves to remind us of that because it constantly has Bruce talking to Diana about Steve Trevor, and Diana talking to the team about his fate and how she then turned her back on the world… I just want to watch Wonder Woman again, at least that film had a plot and loveable characters. 

You might have noticed I haven’t spoken about the two, arguably the biggest, members of this league that serves justice with these two characters being Batman/Bruce Wayne and Superman/Clark Kent. It’s no spoiler that Superman comes back to life in this film. If you’ve seen any of the trailers, any of the press releases or clips from him on the red carpet then you cannot be surprised when he is resurrected by the members of the league after discovering that Steppenwolf is just too powerful for them to handle. I have to ask however; did he only discover that he was able to laugh and smile once he had died? He comes back, and after a brief period of readjustment in the land of the living, he just reassumes his old life as Clark? The Daily Planet published a piece on his death! You can’t then just rock up and say, “Oh hi I’m actually not as dead as you previously thought.” Then you have Ben Affleck’s Batman. Remember when Affleck was winning Academy Awards? I do, those were good times but they are long past. Affleck seems to have lost all enthusiasm in the role leading to a performance which left me asking, “Why does Batman have a death wish in this film?” Oh wait, he’s hating the negative criticism to these films that’s why.

Who's the real "primitive being" here I hear you ask?
Finally, let’s discuss the abomination that is the character of Steppenwolf. I previously noted him as a “vanilla villain” and this is due to the fact that he is one bland flavour: bad. CiarĂ¡n Hinds might provide a sinister voice for the character, but other than that there is nothing positive about his character. The only backstory we get is a small piece of exposition which is more focused on the small Easter eggs inside this sequence than it is on the motives of Steppenwolf. I’d also be remised if I didn’t talk about VERY poor CGI for his character. If you are going to make a character that is comprised of animation, please make it convincing. If this is the best Warner Bros and Snyder can do, I am not looking forward to Darkseid. Speaking of that certain ruler of Apokolips, this presents another flaw in the story telling on not only Justice League, but the DCEU as a whole. Why spend a credible amount of time, and quite possibly the most poignant part of BvS, setting up the invasion of Darkseid if you aren’t them going to tease him further for future films? This just helps support the fact that these films are being made as they go rather than planning how these films may impact future projects.

I am posting my thoughts on Justice League after its weekend at the box office and I have to say I am not surprised with how it faired in America. Pulling in $95 million for opening weekend with its budget being $300 million, I struggle to see how it is going to make money. That does not make happy however, don’t get me or my words wrong! I do not like this film, or the majority of the films in the DCEU, but I really want these films to succeed because I grew up watching the Justice League cartoons more than I did with Marvel. One of my first games on the PS3 was Batman: Arkham Asylum. I enjoyed Man of Steel because of its humanisation of Clark. I liked the dark tone of Batman vs Superman but what I don’t like is this meddling from higher ups forcing creative minds to rush projects through the door. Kevin Feige and all those who have worked at Marvel to create a coherent timeline for the MCU have taken their time and not rushed instalments in their cinematic universe. Therefore, I’ll finish and say that if this doesn’t spell the end for DCEU, I don’t know what will. I take no pleasure in saying this, but Justice League is a bad film. You’ll wonder the whole time why you aren’t watching Avengers Assemble instead.


Friday, 3 November 2017

Thor Ragnarok review, Saving Asgard one laugh at a time

Back in 2011, we were given a Thor film that didn’t feel whole as he spent the majority of the film without any powers. It was still entertaining but wasn’t quite the film fans were hoping for. Thor: The Dark World was no better as it felt like filler film to just put another Infinity Stone into mix. Thor: Ragnarok, I am happy to report, is the best Thor film, but that isn’t really saying much. Where the story in this entry isn’t the main focus, it is by far the funniest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and is most certainly in my top ten films in that series. Taika Waititi has injected a completely new form of comedy into this film that shines above the rest. MCU movies have always been funny, but no other film has made me laugh as hard as I did in Thor: Ragnarok.

"Don't forget to smile for the action shot!"
With Thor’s last entry being in Avengers: Age of Ultron, it feels like an absolute age since we’ve seen the God of Thunder. His adventures take him all over the cosmos until he finds himself on Sakaar which, to his surprise, is where Hulk has been for the past 2 years! Learning Hela the Goddess of Death of out to attack Asgard and possibly bring about Ragnarok, Thor must assemble a small team of his own to stop her from destroying his home. With help from Bruce Banner and his Hulk counterpart, Thor also recruits series newcomer Valkyrie along with his villainous brother, and long-time MCU favourite, Loki to end Hela’s evil plans. This is as much as I will say so I don’t find myself in spoiler territory, but you might be thinking by reading this that the plot is far too basic and isn’t really deserving of its praise. However, the story doesn’t play a massive part in this entry to the MCU and that is a very good thing. By disrupting the standard formula that these films seem to continually follow, director Taika Waititi has created an excellent film by favouring humour and action instead of plot. It still feeds nicely into Avengers: Infinity War next year which is all we really need at this point. What enhances the comedy is the combination of eccentric and colourful new characters as well as developing existing characters in ways we didn’t think their character arcs would go. The team Thor assembles features a long-time series villain in Loki, an unpredictable and untameable Hulk as well as a newcomer in Valkyrie, a legendary warrior who is only on Sakaar so that she might drink herself to death.

As deadly as she is stylish.
A role designed for Glodblum,
and his beautiful voice.
I’ve touched upon this already, but I feel I really need to say that this is an exceptionally funny film. I laughed the whole way through with every joke sticking the landing. This is I think the result of creating a completely new form of Marvel film. Waititi’s choice to make this a comedy over an action film was a great move and this is solidified by bringing in new faces. These new faces create a new sense of the MCU being so much bigger than anyone could possibly imagine. Keep an eye out for a hilarious pile of rocks going by the name of Korg. Voiced by the director, he is the real reason I laughed as hard as I did, more so than seeing the logics of Thor and Hulk collide. Bringing in the legendary Jeff Goldblum also adds to this new sense of comedy as he brings an extra flavour of eccentricity to the world that might have been touched upon with Benicio Del Toro’s ‘The Collector’, but is fully rounded in Goldblum’s ‘The Grandmaster’. Tessa Thompson is also a fine addition to the cast, with her character Valkyrie being a main part of the story and should hopefully feature more in future films. Being far more than just a powerful warrior, she is a fine addition to the MCU’s group of female characters and I really hope to see her alongside Black Widow in future films as their shared dynamic would really mix things up. Franchise regulars Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Mark Ruffalo are not overshadowed as the stories of Thor, Loki and Banner/Hulk are new and innovative enough that they all have their respective moments.

It saddens me that we're still waiting for a truly great
female MCU villain.
On the other hand, it pains me to say that this is not a perfect film. I saddens me to say that the last film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for 2017 has a bad villain. With Ego and The Vulture, I thought we were on a roll with great Marvel villains but Hela is just not given much to do. Cate Blanchett is a terrific actress and it is just a shame Hela, being the Goddess Death, isn’t that menacing. It might have looked pretty cool whilst she was killing Asgardians, and she had the odd good line, but when she was fighting our heroes, I never felt a sense of dread as this whole concept of her being a omnipotent and malevolent being was never hit home. The same can be said for Karl Urban’s Skurge. Urban is a competent actor and Skurge felt very underused and could have just been replaced by an un-named character. Adding to this, the beginning of the film felt incredibly rushed and for a film devoted to saving Asgard from Ragnarok, the film spends less time on that than it does on the hilarity and madness of Sakaar. Where that doesn’t kill the film entirely, it would have been nicer to see a bit more of Doctor Steven Strange. With his post credits scene in Doctor Strange with Thor, I thought we’d at least get a good action scene with Doctor Strange’s magical ability combined with Thor’s god-like strength. We do get a few laughs in his short amount of screen time, but I, like a lot of other Marvel fans just can’t wait for Infinity War to come soon enough! BRING ON MAY 2018 ALREADY!

To finish, Thor: Ragnarok is a great film full of jokes that have a very consistent hit rate. Taika Waititi has already said he’d love to make more Marvel movies and that means more laughs so you’ll find no complaints here. Also, and I know this goes without saying, but stay to watch the post credits scenes! You won’t be trolled like we all were in Homecoming! It feels good to now have 3 MCU films a year…


I can now officially publish Jacob’s favourite MCU films. Starting from worst to best we have:

17. The Incredible Hulk
16. Iron Man 3
15. Thor: The Dark World
14. Iron Man 2
13. Thor
12. Doctor Strange
11. Avengers: Age of Ultron
10. Ant Man
9. Iron Man
8. Captain America: The First Avenger
7. & 6. Joint entry! Thor: Ragnarok and Spiderman: Homecoming. You might call this cheating, but it’s my list so…
5. Avengers Assemble
4. Captain America: Civil War
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Having already compared my list to the lists of friends, I love hearing about other's preferences to the MCU films so don't hesitate to tell me what you think what your favourite films are!

The Incredibles 2 and fragile masculinity

The Incredibles , released in 2004, is a masterpiece. It is one of the funniest films Disney Pixar has ever produced engaging with theme of...